Standard, December 26th.

America Standard, December 26th, 3:15 PM. It has been a little over a month since I was last here; the 11th anniversary of Standard's shutdown has silently come and gone and little has changed. It is warm today and, although I feel feverish, I know that these sunny Ohio days are rarest in December. My …

Familiar Familial Landscape.

Shot over Thanksgiving 2018, these images tell an abstract narrative of familial love, loss and longing. The making of these photographs is a coping mechanism. The camera stands between me and the reality of a holiday season without one of my grandmother's and the memory loss of another. Truth has become a metaphysical ideal and …

Unclean: Stills.

No matter how hard I scrub my feet, this holy ground still deems me unclean. In this crisp mountain stream, the water of an unfamiliar terrain, I begin a futile attempt to wash away my sins. My once-white dress, stained with earth from my childhood home, serves as a reminder that I cannot cleanse myself …

Walk 2.

desire line n. A path that pedestrians or vehicles take informally rather than taking a sidewalk or set route, for example, a well-worn ribbon of dirt cutting across a patch of grass, or a path in the snow. As I was walking this week, the one thing I consistently noticed was all of the jaywalking lizards. It struck me as interesting that my brain called their natural movement through this urban landscape jaywalking - an undoubtedly …

Walk 1.

The same walk. Three different mornings. Three different senses. My house to the library: sound As I neared the street (head down as to not be disrupted by the alien foliage) I was nearing the ocean. The hum of engines transformed into the roar of waves lapping up against the shore. The noise grew louder, …

Left Behind and Gone Beyond.

I am not compulsive. I am analytical, methodical and calculated. I spend weeks (often months) researching and writing before I attempt to create anything. This is why I was so surprised with myself and the beginnings of what I have affectionately been referring to as the Mud Prints. In graduate school, the researching and writing are expected, …

Untitled (The Oneiric House).

Untitled (The Oneiric House), 2018 archival inkjet prints Daydream transports the dreamer outside the immediate world to a word that bears the mark of infinity. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space This is the very start of a new photographic series exploring themes of home, memory and imagination. In his book The Poetics of Space (which I highly …


Everything is a work in process. Here is a look at graduate school semester two, a sneak peek of what has been happening in my studio. How do you document a place you no longer have access to, a place that is two thousand miles away? Before I left Ohio and drove thirty hours across …

A Real Object.

I came to Tucson with a box full of dirt from Wyandot County knowing it would be my only connection to my home for months. I dug ten separate holes from ten different locations of significance to my life (my parents childhood homes, my elementary school, etc.) and put the dirt in individually labeled zip …